Lochie The Lost Ness Monster
Have you seen Lochie?
Last seen deep in the waters of Loch Ness in the Scottish Highlands, Lochie has ventured onto land after more than 1,500 years underwater and the hunt is now on to find Lochie (the Lost Ness Monster) and return her back to the water – will you help us #findlochie?
The legendary Scottish water creature is described as large in size with green snake-like scales, two humps on her back, a swooshing tail, and a tartan hat on her head. The Scotland wide search to find Lochie the Lost Ness Monster is now underway, help us safely return her to the waters of Loch Ness by tagging any sightings of Lochie on Facebook and Instagram using #findlochie to be in with a chance of winning a prize for your efforts in helping to find Lochie.
Help Us Find Lochie...
Sightings have already been reported throughout Scotland (see below) but we need your help to find out where she goes next...
She moves fast and doesn't seem to stay in the same place too long! Remember to #FindLochie and be part of our search Find Lochie to return her to Loch Ness.